【Pikii】A limited liability company that brings overseas games to Japan and Japanese games abroad! Pikii: A small but mighty game maker like this!

Hello, everyone. After some research, I found out that there are many publishers in the world and in Japan as well. I'm Boss from Retro Video Game Republic.
Hello, everyone~! Yes, there are various games around the world, and it's impossible to check them all, so publishers who carefully select and spread the games to the world are a much-appreciated presence. I'm Saori from Retro Video Game Republic.
Until now, I've mostly written about overseas publishers, but today I want to introduce a Japanese publisher! Let's check it out right away!

【Pikii】 A limited liability company that brings overseas games to Japan and Japanese games abroad! Pikii: A small but mighty game maker like this!

What is Pikii?

Pikii is a publisher in Japan known for its small but elite team.
Established in 2011, it was founded in Niigata, Japan, and is operated by a team of 8 people (as of 2018).
Its main business involves exporting Japanese indie games abroad and localizing overseas indie games into Japanese.
In addition to Japan, it also localizes and sells games in Korean, aiming to discover interesting games and spread them widely.
I used to think of publishers as one-way (publishing either overseas or domestic games), but it's impressive how Pikii handles both.
The speed of game releases is quite fast too, with plans to aggressively release more software in 2024!

●Discoveries by Pikii! Here's the lineup of overseas software published by this small but mighty team!

Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara
The Binding of Isaac
Blade Strangers
Code of Princess
Everyone, please make sure to check out the software lineup from Pikii!

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