【SEGA TOYS】 The current company name is Sega Fave! Evolving further after inheriting the arcade game development division from the game company Sega! Here's the software lineup of SEGA TOYS!

Sega Toys has evolved from its predecessors, Yonezawa Toys (Yonezawa) and Taiyo Kogyo (Taiyo). Yonezawa was known for its mini-cars “Diapet” and card games, leading toy exports after the war. However, due to declining performance, it came under the umbrella of Sega Enterprises in 1994 and restarted as “Sega Yonezawa.”
In 1998, it was renamed “Sega Toys” and began using its own brand logo. This renaming established its position as part of Sega while building its own identity. In 2019, it was unified under the same name as its parent company, “SEGA,” further strengthening its brand power.
A representative success of Sega Toys is the dog-shaped robot “Poo-Chi,” released in 2000. It recorded sales of over 12 million units and became a beloved hit product worldwide. This success symbolizes Sega Toys' technical prowess and innovation.
In 2007, it acquired the business of Taiyo Kogyo, known for the “Taiyo” brand, and began manufacturing and selling remote-controlled toys. This diversified Sega Toys' product lineup and enabled it to appeal to a broader market.
Sega Toys has strengths in developing electronics-based toys. Many staff members transferred from Sega, and utilizing their technical skills and creativity, they have produced various innovative toys. Notably, the “Astro City Mini,” released in 2020, a retro arcade game hobby machine, garnered attention from game fans.
On April 1, 2024, it inherited the arcade game business from Sega and changed its name to “SEGA FAVE.” This introduced an internal company system with an Amusement Content Company and a Toys Company, aiming for further business expansion.
Sega Toys, now Sega Fave, will continue to pioneer new horizons in entertainment based on its rich history and innovative product development capabilities. Its stance of continuously providing products loved by a wide range of generations, from children to adults, is expected to be highly anticipated in the future.

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